JLN Associates - Your Safety Team. | jln
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Protective Measures to Take During Excessive Heat         Water Is there plenty of fresh, cool drinking water located as close as possible to the workers? Are water coolers refilled throughout the day? (Has someone been designated to check and make sure water is not running low?) Shade Is...

As winter ends and spring begins, many facilities will begin their season for scheduled maintenance. One aspect of these scheduled maintenance programs is the safety component. There are many types of projects being planned: Power plants entering an outage Bulk storage facilities entering a turnaround ...

What makes our team capable of providing safety services to multiple partners? Training, preparation, and maintenance. Here is a photo of our headquarters team performing inspections and maintenance on multi gas meters being deployed for technical rescue, construction, and power generation safety projects. If your...

The cost of error can be extraordinary: Estimated Costs of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses and Estimated Impact on a Company’s Profitability: Injury type:                  Low end amputation Direct costs                 $66,777 Indirect costs               $73,454 Total cost                     $140,231 Estimated additional sales to cover total costs: $12,748,272. (source: OSHA.gov) The most important precaution in hazardous energy work areas is Lockout/Tagout (LOTO). Energized...
